Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Boy with the Black Bag

Okay, okay...I know it is a kinda cheesy title, but I thought that it would fit, especially since I just got back from seeing Confessions of a Shopaholic again. I have decided to write a few things that this hilarious but touching movie has made me think up:

What is it that we truly need? Yes, things such as shows, trips, movies, music, clothes and accesories are all wonderful things, but what does one truly need? Things such as shows and trips, in my opinion, are classified under the category of lasting - meaning that they are not just an item of present fashion, it creates a lasting memory that you can always remember and relive when you listen to the soundtrack or play the piano score (in that kinda way) or look at pictures. Buying movies and music are almost at that level, but in a different way. You can watch a DVD over and over again and have a song blasting in your car as you drive with the windows down, but do they create memories? not so much. Clothes and accessories express the individual that you are - Daniel Vosovic stated, "At its rawest, fashion is material sewn together in a sequential method. But it's so much more. Fashion creates a mood, captures a moment. It evokes something that you never knew was inside you. Fashion is one of the most underrated stimulants one can encounter.: However, times pass and they are no longer "fit" in the new progressing world of ever changing opinions. So, what falls into the department of needed? Family? Friends? Education? The simple things in life? When was the last time you drove listening to a song that really touched you and you had the window rolled down enjoying the sounds of the world combined with the breeze washing through your hair against your sunglasses with the emotion protruding from the speakers of your car? Five minutes, max. It honestly is amazing! and one of my favorite things to do in life.

Procrastination: Doing wha you want now and waiting later for what is most important is very tempting. This form of greed comes in many costumes (and don't worry...I suffer from this EVERY day!). The first costume is that of assignments, which is typically associated with the word. Many people, including myself, say that they work well under pressure. It is true that yes, one works better when there is a crunch because they can be focused and can rely on the hard core aspect of it all...but is it worth the stress? I do not think so. It is truly annoying when the computer freezes and you have to type that 10 page research paper over again. I personally feel that it is the greatest feeling to have things finished. It would be nice to work on something over a long period of time and...GASP...finish early. The second design is that of money. Once again many people (my hand is raised as well) think, "Oh, I get paid next Friday so I will have money to pay off this credit card debt, or my friend, or my mother..." When the next Friday rolls around...dang! I have to buy books for school, my instrument really needs new strings, I need to get my oil changed, I want to go do ____, I need to buy food, I need____... when you spent that money and now you no longer have it for the things that you REALLY need because of the urge to actually get what you wanted...therefore you have to reach out to the same people/plastic pal to get the money to buy such and such. Therefore, a long list of paybacks are alligned and you end up to your eyeballs in debt that you have to pay off...then you remember you asked your mother for $100 here for helping you out months ago that you still need to give her, and then...oh yeah, I need to save for the road trip I need to take for my job and that trip to FL I promised my sister I would take her for her birthday. That is why it is important to go back to the first question I posted and ask this question...besides the "What is it that I truly need..." it should also entail "is it worth the sacrifice?" Then, always make sure you have money left over so that when unexpected things come up, your bases can be covered and life can be enjoyable. Dollar Movies/Redbox and Pasta are great substitutes from the expensive things of life that quickly add up on a bill.

Anyways, I have rambled on for a long time...but I just love talking about my opinions, though no one really reads this blog because it is interesting.... hahaha. :)


t.t.turner said...

Blake! I was so excited to find your blog! I'm bookmarking it. It's been a while - I hope you're doing well.

Annie and Lance said...

ok, this is Annie and I just found your blog and I LOVE IT!!! love Confessions of a Shopaholic, and you are awesome!