Saturday, April 11, 2009


Here are some inspirational quotes that I love (they are also located on my facebook):

We all hav
e levels of performance. -- Angela Lansbury

This is a nice quote for us performers. Every time we play a piece, it is different. We could bomb something and in twenty seconds nail it. We cannot expect to be perfect all the time. Another thing is that, especially in music, we are giving a gift of something we love. It does not have to be perfect. However, it has to be from our heart. It has to be us.

You gotta be original, because if you're like someone else, what do they need you for?
--Bernadette Peters

As the lovely diva proclaims, what does the world need with someone who is just like everyone else? Honestly...have you ever been in Mesa, AZ and driven down the streets where everyhouse is the same? Not only is confusing as you wind down trying to find your grandparent's house somewhere off of Power Rd, but you sit there and think of Stepford Wives meets Invasion of the Body Snatchers. We need originality, new ideas, forward thinking and such.

There is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique
. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost. -- Martha Graham

In relation to Bernadette, Martha (whom Appalachian Spring was written for fyi) dives into it a little deeper. This proclaims that you are YOU and that no one can change that. Learn to love yourself! It is hard at times because all we do is compare ourselves to others...but if I have learned anything from college it is to be yourself no matter what society places on you. Learn to love who you look at in the mirror. If you do not like something, change it.

A creator has a vision of something which has not existed before this vision. And a creator has the power to bring his vision to life, the power to realize it[...] inspiration and perfection, wish and fulfillment, will and accomplishment coincide spontaneously and simultaneously -- Arnold Schoenberg

Taken from the Music Theory IV packet, this excerpt really emphasizes Martha's statement. We have the power of our destiny...we have the power to be inspired.

Good things happen only to those who are true to themselves. -- Andrew T. Clement

Andrew said this randomly during a quartet rehearsal... once again truth.

Everything in life happens for a reason. It is the way you take it and the attitude you live which makes you the person you are. -- Blake Allen

This is kinda like tooting my own horn, but I think this all the time. Sometimes we don't get into the school of music of our choice for graduate work or we fail a test we studied heavily for. We do not know why these things happen, but our attitude effects the future. That is the true decision that we live by.

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.
-- Albert Schweitzer

I look at this quote whenever I am worried about the future as a viola player. I might not make the most money in comparison to Brain C. or my father, but at least I will love every second of what I do. Job satisfaction ratio...

When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
-- Helen Keller

This is extremely poignant coming from such a remarkable woman. We look so long at the things that do not go our way that we forget to smile and move on with our life allowing other things to take the place of what might have been. Focusing on the past or saying oh if I were 6 when everything was so simple is not healthy. Look to the future and hope for change and the best.

Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves.
-- J.M. Barrie

From the author that brought us the glorious Peter Pan, tells us how to bring happiness into our own lives. Happiness is divine and a gift, but we have to work at it. When we wake up in the morning to the sunlight streaming through the window, we choose to be happy. It is not that we are just given happiness on the plate with the bagel and cream cheese...we choose to say what Hammerstein proclaimed, "Oh, what a beautiful morning. Oh, what beautiful day. I've got a beauitful feeling everything's going my way." With this perk of attitude in the morning, it is remarkable how amazing the day can be (that and a few situps and pushups to give you endorphins. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands...)

Only a life lived for others is a life worthwile
. -- Albert Einstein

Albert must have known the two commandments of loving God and loving thy neighbor. Serivce and unconditional love really do make the days seem brighter. These 'things' do not even have to be big. Just be yourself and smile, wave, open a few doors, laugh more, be interested...these are small things that turn into huge diamonds.

For any of you who are familiar with Grey Gardens, you would know who Christine Ebersole is. For those of you who don't...have you seen Amadeus? If yes, she Katerina Cavalieri - the opera singer that Salieri is in love with who betrays him and goes after Mozart. Anyways, I heard a radio interview with her and she said two very profound things:

In acceptance we find peace.

How simple...but yet, it is still very difficult. When we accept things whether it be ourselves or others or a fact of life, we find peace. Peace is very wonderful. How much are we willing to understand and empathize to obtain peace?? Especially in the trumoils of right now and the equal rights movements. Opinions are opinions...judging is a different matter...

Love God and love life and be grateful every moment for the gift of living.

What else is there? I truly believe this statement whole heartedly. WOW!!!

Angela Lansbury (as most everyone knows is my idol) said something amazing as well that I take to heart:

I am a great believer that we create our own opportunities, our own happiness, our own lives.

With every quote that has been posted here, this kinda sums them all up. We have the opportunity to do what we want with our lives. We control it. We choose how we feel, where we go, what we do. We decided what to believe in, how to treat others, how to live and who we are. We choose to be happy.

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