Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I have been here in NYC a week. It seems like a lot longer--maybe that is because I already know how this city works or maybe the fact I ride the subway at least 2+ hours a day visitng friends and such. I am really grateful to have a nice place with REALLY chill roommates here in Washington Heights. I have come to realize over the years that roommates make or break a living situation. When you have good roommates, it is nice to come home and just slump on the couch. This is much nicer than trying to avoid your roommates and locking yourself up in your room all night. ie. my apartment in cincinnati...

I have already had a couple of neat experiences that I am not really at liberty to talk about until they actually happen! I am pretty excited though (more about that later).

Why is Brahms so difficult! Out of all the composers, I struggle with him the most. I look back on when I played the E-flat viola sonata in my undergrad and remember how much I struggled with the "character" of Brahms. I mean, not to boast, I have heard people who play the character FLAWLESSLY but are reals out of tune. I listen to my recital and for the most part, I am in tune, but I sound so timid and shy. Brahms really shattered my confidence level, and it has taken a long time to overcome that! Anyway, it taught me a great deal. Back on track, I am learning the Brahms A minor string quartet. At first, I was a little bummed this would be the quartet I'd be playing, thinking it was not that challenging (especially after playing Beethoven Op.131 at CCM), but after practicing, I am in for an uphill battle! Come on little salmon! It is SO awkward. There is no good fingereing for the opening measures and throughout the entire four movements, you have to contorte your hand. Why Brahms? WHY?! It is fun though. It gives me something to work on.

On that note, I am learning the Franck Violin Sonata, which I love, and it has been great. Also on the summer list of things to learn are Bax's Fantasy Sonata for Viola and Harp, Schubert's Arppegione Sonata (can you believe I haven't played that...) and Beethoven's Spring Violin Sonata.

1 comment:

Britny Clark said...

Blake, you are just plain awesome! :)