Friday, March 25, 2011

Musical Festival Update

Sunny, warm and exciting spring break has come and gone and I am starting to hear back from the summer music opportunities.

Aspen let me know that I recieved $1300 for the program. This is a decent amount of money (especially since I gave a pretty bad fellowship audition and my video was not as stellar as it could have been--aka the Hoffmeister, which sucks because I was forced to use the same audio for IFCP and NYU).

Spoleto FINALLY got back to me. I was very surprised to see I did not get the fellowship there. I thought my audition was great. Granted, whenever I feel I nail auditions, the outcome is never as I predicted. I recieved the CCM Spoleto Scholar which means I have to pay $999 for a month in Italy (including airfare but excluding food).

I have yet to hear back from IFCP or NYU. Granted, NYU's due date for material is April 1 so I will not hear from them for a while. IFCP's is March 15, but I have not heard from them, neither has my check been processed... I emailed them to make sure my material was recieved. If something happened and my material did not get to New York on time, I will be very sad, but everything happens for a reason. N'est pas?

There is my short update! I am not writing anything off or making a decision until I hear back from all four. I was allowed an extension of my decision for Aspen (the decision was due March 21). Hopefully Spoleto will allow me to delay that decision as well.

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