Thursday, March 31, 2011

Even more updating

I turned Aspen down. It was difficult to do, but in the long run, I feel it was the right decision. It is sad that I will not be able to spend the summer with Chris Koelzer in the mountains of Colorado making music, but I will survive (at least I hope I will). Aspen is just way too expensive. Even with my scholarship, and after fees, I would still have to pay about $2200 just for tuition. Throw in housing, transportation and food and I have one expensive summer. I could look at it as more school, but I am already paying a lot of money to go to CCM.

Two members of my current string quartet are going to Spoleto. It would be VERY nice to have an opportunity to still play with them (maybe even throw in a piano and make it a quartet). I am just torn in so many ways. I would love to go to Italy and play Italian opera with native Italians coming to see it. For $1000, I would be able to be there for a month with housing. Granted, I would have to pay for food and other travels that I decide to take, but what a steal, ya know?

I heard back from NYU. I was accepted into the string quartet workshop. I have yet to hear about scholarship.

I am still waiting to hear from IFCP. I have called, left a message and even emailed. Hopefully I will hear back soon. Until then....
--Update April 1, 2011--
IFCP prcoessed my check!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Musical Festival Update

Sunny, warm and exciting spring break has come and gone and I am starting to hear back from the summer music opportunities.

Aspen let me know that I recieved $1300 for the program. This is a decent amount of money (especially since I gave a pretty bad fellowship audition and my video was not as stellar as it could have been--aka the Hoffmeister, which sucks because I was forced to use the same audio for IFCP and NYU).

Spoleto FINALLY got back to me. I was very surprised to see I did not get the fellowship there. I thought my audition was great. Granted, whenever I feel I nail auditions, the outcome is never as I predicted. I recieved the CCM Spoleto Scholar which means I have to pay $999 for a month in Italy (including airfare but excluding food).

I have yet to hear back from IFCP or NYU. Granted, NYU's due date for material is April 1 so I will not hear from them for a while. IFCP's is March 15, but I have not heard from them, neither has my check been processed... I emailed them to make sure my material was recieved. If something happened and my material did not get to New York on time, I will be very sad, but everything happens for a reason. N'est pas?

There is my short update! I am not writing anything off or making a decision until I hear back from all four. I was allowed an extension of my decision for Aspen (the decision was due March 21). Hopefully Spoleto will allow me to delay that decision as well.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

50th post

Today I applied for NYU's Steinhardt Summer String Quartet Workshop and Mannes' Institute & Festival for Contemporary Music. Both are in NYC and are right after each other. IFCP is middle June and NYU's is end of June into the beginning of July. NYU's conflcits (by five days) with CCM Spoleto. This can pose a problem, but as of right now, I have not been accepted into anything. It would be nice to go BAM BAM BAM and do all three. We shall see what happens. Waiting game. Doesn't it always seem like we play the wwaiting game? "When will my life begin?"

These two New York summer opportunities would be very vauleable not only to progress me as a musician but to also give me another reason to be in NYC as I try to land a job.

I recieved an email telling me I have been accepted to Aspen.
--Added March 09, 2011--