Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Tonight 53 women share a dream, not a husband.

So, it is now the third week of the quarter. Really? Where did the other two weeks go?? Oh wait, I think I have an idea...

I have been spending most of my time practicing for the Aspen Fellowship audition that was yesterday. If you ask me why, the only reason I can come up with is forced practice on something I do not want to spend time working on--ie. Don Juan and Mendelssohn. The intensive situations I put myself in has bettered my preparation technique, audition situation and overall, has furthered my capabilities as a violist.

So, how did the audition go? I played the excerpts the best I had played them in succession without stopping. That is a nice acomplishment. My Bach was eh. Not bad, not amazing. I had a couple unclear chords, but my musicality was nice. Hoffmeister was great until page three when I completely missed a shift. Woof. Overall, I am pleased because I focused my attention on the excerpts and that is what I played well.

This summer, I have three options:

1- Aspen
2- CCM Spoleto in Italy. The audition for this is in Feb with the conductors of CCM. Should be a great audition (especially after Mark Gibson's comments to me). It would be fun to go to Italy for six weeks for free. Hopefully I can get the fellowship for that as well. It requires...drumroll...Don Juan and Mendelssohn. No brainer there.
3- NYC. I would have June-basically October to make connections and really see what it would take/what I need to be able to play for shows. With connections, drive and commitment I have, hopefully I can at least score some subbing gigs. If that were the case, I technically wouldn't have to graduate from CCM. However, I would still be enrolled here just in case it doesn't work out or even try to AD at Juilliard with Kawasaki. This is just an idea, an if per-se. What is the purpose of graduate school? GET A JOB!

So, life here in gray Cincinnati is great. School is wonderful, as is the viola. Friends are still awesome, even if they are sick. Makeup class is going well where I have a "beautiful forehead" (which raises questions to the reasonings behind my self conciousness...??). Durocher is still great and continutes to make me happy. Hopefully this continues. The trend is still going strong. I will keep my fingers crossed.

Miss America was a hoot. Did you see the so called "talents"? Did you hear the awful introductions? What a hot tranny mess.

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