Friday, August 6, 2010

Serigraphs and pitchforks

I have really needed to catch up on a couple of my shows that I have missed this summer. One of them, surprisingly, brought a message to my mind at the perfect moment. It came from Andre Leon Talley on America's Next Top Model. Angelica asked Andre about how he got into the world of fashion. Yes, this seems like a frivolous path of life for people who do not spend hundreds of dollars on a wardrobe, but hear me out just for the purpose of this posting.

Andre said that he always wanted to work in the world of fashion--just a side note, he recieved his Masters in French at Boston University. He moved to New York as it seems that is where the arts are located. He was hired by Andy Warhol to be a quasi slave licking stamps, running errands and doing hard work for $50 a week. As most everyone knows, even back then, this is tuppence compared to a supportive salary. Andre lived in the YMCA with insect and human cockroaches alike until he had his break. He never gave up on his dream. He faught hard and was willing to make sacrifices no matter if his life was hell to fulfill his dream of working at Vogue.

I just sit here and ponder the strength that this story sends out. Yes, once again, it is about fashion, but how applicable is this to anyone's life?! I mean, for crying out loud, it has everything to do with my inner termoils as of yet. If you, as the reader, are one of the lucky ones that has a career path that slowly and stedily leads you into a nice, comfortable career, I congratulate you and say I am slightly jealous. However, isn't the journey half of the adventure? Yes, I am venturing out into a world of unknown hoping that I can make something with my life! Many people have faith in me, but sometimes it is hard to have faith in one's self. I must, as Indiana Jones does, take a deep breath, put my hand on my chest and take a step: trust that the invisible path to the other side will be beneath my feat guiding me to further destinations.

On another topic, I am always one that is careful with what I say as to try to not offend anyone. I care too much about what other people think of me that I allow their opinions to sway mine. I do have something to say though no matter what differing opinions are out there:

When the leaders of this country sat down and wrote the immortal words "all men are created equal," I do not think they invisioned a time where there would be such political turmoil over this topic. I have to state my mind. I am so grateful that people have opinions. They are important in the world. I love when people stand up for what they believe in. It makes me really happy when someone disagrees and stands up in a socially acceptable, sophisticated way. Over a year ago, I feel that both sides of politics have become hostile towards each other. No matter what your opinion is on certain bills, there is no reason to sacreligiously protest at holy landmarks or write nasty things about other parties involved. Campaigning is a great way to get messages across. Whether you are for gay marriage or not, please do not be hostile one with another! Having lived in Utah for four years, I have seen a great deal of dividing amongst neighbors. What happened to coexistance??
Another statement I might add--Have you seen the movie Too Wong Fu...? This is the way to get equality--by being genuine people that come and treat anyone, no matter who they are or where they come from, as important and decent people. I cannot stress enough about how much I agree with this concept. The best form of missionary work is service. The best form of kindness is service. I just feel that reaching into the hearts of other people is the best way to get across a message. LGBT are normal human beings who want what every other person in america wants: a nice career and a loving relationship. Marching naked down the streets or dressing like gawdy flamboyant fairies at the Magic Kingdom is giving the whole community a bad name. On the flip side, quoting Biblical texts and ignoring/treating differently/looking down upon certain people. If we are Christians, we should do as Christ does. Love thy neighbor as thyself. Remember, there are really only two commandments: Love God and Love thy neighbor. As I have loved you, love one another.

That is all


"Should I choose the smoothest course/steady as a beating drum/[...]is all my dreaming at an end/or do you still wait for me dream giver/just around the river bend."

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