Saturday, July 24, 2010

Wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin'

I do not even know where to start this blog post. I have really enjoyed my three months here in central Florida. It seems like I have created a whole new life down here...oh wait, I have. Even though the humid index is upwards of 112 a day (meaning where I work it is 122), I love the Florida climate. I still think that when I step outside at night it is going to be cold (as it was in UT). I open the door from my air conditioned apartment and step outside and it is warm! It really allows one to have a nice night.

I really enjoy my job. At first, it was a monotonous job, but I just have to get over the initial hump. Yes, Brazilian tour groups make me turn red in the face, but I really love making people smile and making them feel important even though they are just 1 in 28,000 that ride the ride in on day. Isn't that what Disney is all about? making memories? taking pictures is, making memories... I adore my coworkers and my managers. Overall, it has been a great experience and one that I do not want to end.

I love being able to go to the parks and watch the fireworks, or ride one ride or sit and eat some food. For me, it never gets tiring. I mean, who gets to celebrate their Birthday at Disney World? Well, I guess a lot (since there are thousands of Birthday pins seen in a given day), but still. I never have. It is really neat. My sister told me that I was finally going to get out of my Disney obsession by being here, but I think being here made my passion for the Disney company grow.

I have been playing in the cast member choir/orchestra. They put on a concert every year at EPCOT. The proceeds this year are going to Make a Wish Foundation. This years concert is Dream Our Dreams, which is all Disney music (to make sure you see the legit of it, last year was 70s year before movie scores... so I lucked out this year). It is really wicked sweet to be able to play the music that I adore and love. To see Alan Menken's hand or have "follow Ashley" written in the On the Record parts (fyi, I freaked out inside when I read that). It is just really cool that I get to play actual Disney music. I am a nerd that way though.

Graduate school is important. It has been weighing heavily on my mind for a long time. Ever since I have been here, I have wondered if I should stay with the Disney Company or if I should leave and go to graduate school. I feel that taking the leap of faith and going to graduate school may not be the easier/smoother course, but I will regret never having taken that chance. Disney will always be here for me. If I want to come back, I always can. If I never come back to work for them, I can always visit my home where I truly belong. I am for sure staying seasonal though, so I will work at least 40 hours a year ;). I feel that being here, I cannot make a rational decision and the best thing to do is to go home and visit my parents. Once there if I decide that graduate school is not the right decision, then I will for sure know because I will not be sucked into the black hole of despair. Good thing I have close friends. This is one thing I can be happy about.

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