Saturday, January 9, 2010

Summer and snow, winter and critics

Hmm...So much has happened since I posted last summer.
First of all, the College Light Opera Company was one of the best and worst experiences of my life. I will start off with the worst--the humidity was a big problem, and the fact that each of the cottages that we lived in did not have air conditioning was a huge problem, as was the mold that grew from the lack of dry air. It rained so much at the beginning of the summer that there was an enormously large number of biting bugs. Being related to my mother, I was attacked, all the time. The only other problem was that I missed people too much. Because it was a high stress situation, nerves were always tight and emotions always rampant. Then again, when is that not the case with many Musical Theatre nerds?? However, CLOC was a great experience. I met some wonderful people, made some amazing connections (woot on that factor) and had a great time doing 9 shows. We performed Brigadoon, Yeomen of the Guard, Lady, Be Good!, Me and My Girl, Titanic, The Most Happy Fella, Carousel, H.M.S. Pinafore and Jekyll and Hyde. Some shows were definitely better than others...but overall I loved it and am SO glad I did it (even if I had dish duty three times). The really impresive thing about CLOC is that everything is done in a week. We rehearse for the following show during the day (includes vocalists rehearsing, orchestra rehearsing, sets being designed, painted, cut, etc and costumes being made, fitted etc). We, the orchestra, only rehearsed Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (Thursday was Matinee Day), Friday and then it is stiz probe on Sat with Dres Rehearsal Monday night. It is pretty daunting. Got tiring after a while with no air conditioning in the theatre during rehearsals (sorry for the women in FUR coats during Tech rehearsal of Tianic in the middle of July. They were supposed to be freezing in Winter 1912, but sadly, they were dying of heat exhaustion instead). My father was able to come see Me and My Girl and H.M.S. Pinafore. Those were good shows, wish he could have seen Most Happy Fella, Titanic or Jekyll, but Me and My Girl is hysterical.
I lived on the beach basically. Cape Cod, for a whole summer. Free room and board and I got paid. Sweet gig right there. Shout out to all my friends, I miss you!
School last semester was bad! Although it started off with Moe, Chris and me going to SF to celebrate Chris's birthday (in a way I guess), but I hated most of my classes. I had graduate school pre-screens which didn't turn out so well. I was stressed all the time. I was annoyed very easily and basically, I just did not have a nice semester. We did Tales of Hoffman as the Opera. Mom and Dad came to see it. Love the score! The story...not so much.

Burton Fisch came to talk about the Bartok Viola Concerto. It was really cool to hear the person who worked with Tibor Serly on finishing the work. We also got to listen to his LP of the work. Nice job! Other cool things happened like Jay Brannon, Pinkas Zukermann, Spring Awakening (eh) and stuff.

Halloween was nice. I dressed up in two costumes--A vampire (as seen in vampire diaries) and a masquerader. It was nice to hang out with Moe, Sarah, Charolette, Julia etc...
For Thanksgiving, I went with Krista and some of her friends to seem some of the fam in El Paso. It was so nice to see my brother, his wife and my nephew/neice, my cousins, aunt and uncle and my grandparents. We had a grand ole' time. I also hung out with MaryCatherine which WAS AMAZING! I haven't seen her in two years...about time. It is always nice to see that we have a connection still even if we do not talk regular...about that...that needs to change!
My parents moved to CT, which I liked much more than El Paso. It is beautiful, clean and the house is great. I got to hang with Dustin, Austyn and Brody before they went to Portland. I am glad that all the airports were closed (even though it cost them a lot of money).

Krista came home and we just played games as a family THE ENTIRE TIME. We went and saw The Princes and the Frog. Why is this show so poorly rated? I don't know... I loved it. Oh! speaking of which--oscar lovers! Precious is one of the best movies I have ever seen in my life. Mo'Nique needs to win the supporting oscar even if she is being a douche about the whole NY critics thing. Who cares, it is based upon acting and talent rather than appearances and personality. It is about time that the academy give an award based on merrit and not "we are sorry you have never won an award Kate Winslet."

Dad and I went to NYC. I saw A Little Night Music with Angela Lansbury and Catherine Zeta-Jones. Tres chic and tres good. Once again, I don't know what critics are saying. They complain about the tempi being too slow? I actually prefer Every Day a Little Death at that tempo. For the first time, I actually understood what that song was about. Granted, Angela does steal the show as Mme. Armfeldt, but I did not think Larkin was overly sexual. I liked the sombre take the show had. The orchestration was nice. Being a violist whose goal is to do shows, I have a right to judge on that. Oh! Over the summer, I saw Next to Normal. Great score. That one! Great acting too. When Alice Ripley signed in bubble letters, I was like...makes sense why she acted so well. Jennifer Damiano should have won the Tony. Nugh said. I liked how the costumes matched who Gage was controlling. As he began to fade, so did his purple shirt. Is that what is supposed to happen or am I adding things? Who knows. The set was cool. Intriguing I guess. I am so glad that I saw this production with the replacement Kyle Dean Massey. I like his voice better than the Aaron Tivet. This is one of the "loudest" shows I have seen, and with such a small orchestra...reminiscent of Idina blowing the speakers no? I did not like J. Robert Spencer own opinion. However, I do love the song Everything Else--kinda pertains to me know? I bet everyone and their dog loves it though. Also, the Dream Dancing/There's a World was so touching, heart wrenching and miserable to watch. However, I don't think I agree with what people are saying--is Next to Normal the most overrated musical of the year? I certainly enjoyed it a lot, but I could see what they are saying. The whole psychopharmicologist thing. Now, Spring Awakening...I could agree on that being overrated.

My dad and I then went and saw Ragtime. Why is this show closing? It baffles me. Well, I could tell you why, but an article does:

It was so great. 28 piece orchestra (what?!). Very huge and grand. I just remember when the curtain opened how breathtaking that was. I don't really have any more comments about it rather than I was impressed and am very sad that more people can't see it. Wish I could have seen Cheyenne in Finian's Rainbow. Oh well, I will just have to look forward to Promises, Promises, La Cage... and Addams Family. I also wished I lived in NYC right now so I could see Benanti in the vibrator play. Love that woman too. Maybe throw in some Carrie Fisher.

School this semester should be much better. Last one in Utah! hoorah! hopefully I get into Mannes and get outta this state and be one step closer to fulfilling my dreams! As Jennifer Damiano would sing "you know that it's just a [Brahms] sonata away and you play [...] and everything else goes away..." Tis my life.

Sorry there are so many pictures. Enjoy.

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