Friday, May 6, 2011

It tastes like soap but it doesn't take like soap

I have always had a thing for artistic movies, but I have this new fascination with "crtierion" films, putting them on mute and watching them with different music. It is great to put on an LP and see how the indie/alternative music lines up with the motion on screen. Do we look for connections or is there an inner drive that aligns all the different arts? It is fascinating. All music seems to be comprised of beats. Dance also seems to be comprised of rhythm. Motion therefore has to have a inner rhtyhm/beat as well, otherwise all three art forms of visual, movement and auditorary would not be able to seamlessly align. I was watching Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake and had Regina Spektor's Begin to Hope on. Very crazy how well they worked together.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

It's raining, it's pouring

Midterms are over! Hallelujah.

I hate school. Is that really wrong of me to say? This quarter, however, is much more interesting in the world of classical musician classes over here at CCM. I have two teachers who have heavy accents and crack jokes. It is nice to look forward to a class at 9a in the morning (Do I look forward to it, or am I just a good student who enjoyes watching youtube videos of Bel Canto singers and trailers for Wagner operas?). My theory teacher, Dr. Sam Ng, is hysterical. He makes learning about counterpoint fun and the art of crafting fugues not dull.

It really sucks to be in school for another month when your undergraduate colleagues have been out for several weeks. On top of all this, it is raining almost everyday. April showers should bring May flowers, but so far, it has brought more rain. I enjoy recieving the one sunny day here and there. It makes me appreciate the ability to feel the warm sun. Let's just throw a little optimism in.

My recital is coming up. I have had a couple roadblocks (namely some rough lessons), but I have held my own and practiced with more concentration so I can give the best recital I can. Granted, I never perform a recital without flaws, no one does unless you are Hillary Hahn (but she even says she messes up), but I want to represent myself well.

The Ligeti is completely learned. That piece is very difficult, and SOUNDS difficult. It pays off!

The Rubbra is mostly learned, I just still need to find a pianist...hopefully sooner rather than later. This piece is passionate and beautiful--something the viola repertoire desperately needs.

I go to New York tomorrow. I am SO excited. More about that later.